I have been desperately trying to get someones attention!

If wind could be made to produce base load power, every community in the world could build their own power plants and electricity prices would be controlled by the local communities.

This would result in all electricity prices being controlled by local communities. The result would be a 90% drop in electricity prices.

In addition all high voltage transmission would stop.

Grid failure issues would become nonexistent.

This build would radically effect the world because of the effects these low prices would cause. You could drive your brand new Tesla for about five dollars a week.

But I never get anyone even asking me how to do this?


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For years we've heard it said that it would be foolish to trust those most responsible for the climate crisis to fix the climate crisis. That sounds more true all the time.

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I agree with the conclusion of this article.The fact that the world is not openly talking about a fossil fuel phase out is progress. It's out in the open now........and as climate disasters proliferate and life becomes harder for millions of people, we'll all begin to see that you can't eat your cake and continue to pay for it in Oil.

Still, the most distressing and likely little known fact in this article is the outrageous interest rates Africa, and likely other third world countries have to pay compared to the first world. 14%???l Really you Money Worshipping financiers?? Your wealth creation has always been based on a form of theft from the commons.......but this disparity is worthy of the Satan of the Year award.

And we should have such a reward.........because being a fossil.......as Alberta was recognized as in this Cop....is small potatoes compared to charging the poor exorbitant interest rates if they want to decarbonize. We should be giving them the money interest free.....with perhaps a clause that guarantees the money goes into jump starting renewables and restoring healthy ecosystems.

The Mammon worshipping West seems to be the problem........not the solution.

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Thanks, Ingamarie. Actually, earlier today I saw a passing reference to 25% interest, though I wasn't sure of the context. I'm by no means a COP veteran -- I've only attended three of them in person, then observed another five from addition -- but from people who are much more versed and immersed in the process, I think I've understood that the flaming inequalities in the international finance system are always among the biggest obstacles to action.

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There's a lot of work to be done helping people understand the difference between high finance, financial shenanigans..........and sound economic policy. For this farmer's daughter, no system that's done what we've done to world agriculture in the last 40 odd years is fiscally responsible....

There's so much restorative work waiting for everyone wanting a job.........but it looks like we'll blow that opportunity and continue to build vacate on spots for the world's wealthy. I'm not surprised Cop has to wind up in Dubai because the venue is needed for some dubious capitalist venture.

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